Advanced Social Media Course

The key objective of the Advanced Social Media Course is to provide detailed insights into the area of social media marketing, covering all aspects of social media marketing.

Social Media & Paid Ads

Social media strategy

Social media strategy is basically a plan aimed to maximize engagement and interactions of a company across social media to achieve the company's objective. Social media strategy is applied to generate leads, improve brand awareness or create a viral effect.

What can you expect from social media strategy sessions?

EIDM prepares students to implement social media strategies to achieving the following results:

  • Increasing social communications internally and externally. 
  • To increase brand value of clients through collaborative relationships. 
  • To use it as as a tool to manage and monitor brand reputation. 

Online reputation management

Online reputation management is the process of generating positive content that will help to create trust in users for a particular brand. 

Online reputation management (ORM) is applied to filter negative or false comments about the brand. As part of online reputation management digital marketers constantly monitor mentions about their clients on websites and social media.

What can you expect from EIDM ORM sessions?

  • EIDM trains students on how to deal with negative criticisms about a client’s company. 
  • Students are taught to deal with several likely scenarios. 
  • Students get to know how online reputation management can be done along with  SEO. 
  • EIDM trains students to solve misleading content. 
  • EIDM trains students to target and dominate specific keywords. 

Influencer marketing

Influencer marketing is a digital marketing technique that involves a brand collaborating with a social media influencer to market products or services of a company. Influencer marketing is a shortcut for brands to increase their online visibility. So brands collaborate with influencers to improve brand recognition.

What can you expect from EIDM influencer marketing sessions?

  • EIDM trains students to organized by putting together  strategy, plan, budget and time spent on research
  • Students are taught on how to make decisions for finding and approaching influencers. 
  • Special training is given to deal with influencers. 
  • Students are given training to increase brand reach using influencer marketing. 

Content marketing

Content marketing is a digital marketing approach aimed at attracting and retaining a clearly defined audience by creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content.The ultimate aim of content marketing is to increase profit for the client.

What can you Expect from EIDM content marketing sessions?

  • EIDM trains students to establish proper content marketing goals. 

    EIDM makes you capable of

    • Defining your audience. 
    • Researching your competitors
    • Researching keywords. 
    • Reviewing your content
    • Devising strategies
    • Planning content production schedule. 

Web analytics

Web analytics is a digital marketing technique in which website data is collected, processed, reported and analyzed to create a digital marketing strategy for improving website experience. 

EIDM web analytics session focuses on:

  • Web analytics is important and  helpful to students.
  • Making students understand the psychology of website visitors based on different classifications. 
  • Training students to analyze website conversions. 
  • Train students for boosting website conversions. 
  • Using web analytics tools to track website performance metrics like conversion rate, bounce rate, monthly unique visitors etc. 

Youtube and video marketing

YouTube marketing is a digital marketing strategy that involves the use of YouTube for promoting products, services or brands. As a part of Youtube marketing, promotional videos are uploaded on the company’s YouTube channels or other popular channels. This form of marketing is done by cooperating with Youtube influencers and YouTube’s advertisements are also utilized

EIDM trains students to

  •  Learn about the audience. 
  • Researching  about competition.
  •  Learn from the most popular channels.
  • Optimize YouTube videos to get more views.
  • Upload and schedule YouTube advertisements. 

Facebook marketing and advertising

The practice of promoting businesses and brands on Facebook is referred to as Facebook marketing. Facebook marketing can help businesses to build brand awareness, grow a social media  following, generate leads, and sell more products or services. Organic texts, photos and videos are part of Facebook content.

Facebook marketing at EIDM trains students to

  • Set  correct goals for Facebook marketing campaigns. 
  • Understand Facebook audience.
  • Publish content that could grow the audience. 
  • Post at times when followers are most active.
  • Schedule  Facebook content using Meta Business Suite. 
  • Actively engage with Facebook audience
  • Use Messenger to build relationships with customers. 
EIDM also provides training to increase social media presence using social media platforms like Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Instagram Snapchat etc.
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